This Work for Hire Agreement is made effective as of ___/____/2024, between _______________________________________________________, _______________________________________________________,
and H. D. Specialties, of 831 Crockett St, Rusk TX 75785. In this Agreement, the party who is contracting to recieve the services shall be referred to as "Contractor", and the party who will be providing the services shall be referred to as " H. D. Specialties ".

1. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES. H. D. Specialties will provide the following services (collectively, the "Services"): Purchase the internet domain and setup wordpress on server for the domain ____________________________________________ for 1 year. Domain name to be renewed at one year intervals. Create web pages as required to make a presence on the internet. Contractor to provide H. D. Specialties, with any logos and/or photos to be used in the web page. H. D. Specialties will submit the URL to popular search engines to make the domain easy for interested parties to locate on the internet. Make updates as required to keep the page current for services and pricing.

2. SETUP WEBSITE COST: Contracter will pay compensation to H. D Specialties $__________ for setup of Website. Setup includes purchasing domain name and cost of setting up site for first year.

3. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES. Contractor will pay compensation to H. D. Specialties for the Services based on $ 50.00 per quarter. This compensation shall be payable in advance, first payment due on signing of contract. Additional payments will be due by the 10th of the first month of each quarter.

4. ANNUAL RENEWAL: Contractor will pay compensation to H. D. Specialties for annual renewal of domain name and server at the cost of $______________ a year from date of purchase.

5. TERM/TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated by either party after the initial 1 year period, upon 90 days written notice to the other party.

6. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES. It is understood by the parties that H. D. Specialties is an independent contractor with respect to Contractor, and not an employee of Contractor. Contractor will not provide fringe benefits, health insurance benefits, paid vacation, or any other employee benefit, for the benefit of H. D. Specialties.

7. OWNERSHIP OF DOMAIN: The domain name is to be owned by the Contractor. H. D Specialties will provide infomation to Contractor for accessing website server. If termination of this agreement, the Contractor owns all the rights to domain name, hosting and any copyrights.

8. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties, and there are no other promises or conditions in any other agreement whether oral or written.

Party Contracting Services:

Contractor _______________________________, _____________________,_____________

By: ____________________________________________________

Service Provider:
H. D. Specialties, 831 Crockett St, Rusk TX 75785

By: ____________________________________________________
H. D. Specialties, Owner